G2 Math Program
Cambridge, MA
July 16 - August 1, 2025
G2 (Girls Together) Math Program is a free summer camp for female and non-binary high school students to come together to learn olympiad math.
Our Mission
We bring students who do math together. Our students are bright high schoolers looking to improve on proof-based math like that found on the USA(J)MO. Our staff includes some of the most successful women in math competitions. Together, we are creating a strong female math community.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is there a need for a girls' math camp?
Women face many challenges as a minority in math. The discrepancy only grows towards the top levels of competition. By bringing top girls in math together, we seek to address several key issues.
Social. Being the only girl in a room full of boys is hard. Our goal is for our students to form key friendships with others who do math. This peer group will ultimately become their support as they pursue math throughout the year and even later in life.
Inspirational. We draw our staff from successful math olympiad alumni, who were once in the same position as our students. We hope that our staff will serve as role models and help our students to dream bigger and further.
Is G2 Math Program for me?
You are eligible to apply if you identify as female or non-binary, are entering 9th-12th grade in Fall 2023, are at least 14 years old on the first day of camp, and are a U.S./Canadian citizen/resident or go to school in the U.S. or Canada. Beyond that, our main requirement is that you want to learn olympiad math. You do not need to have qualified for the USA(J)MO before.
Is this like a girls' MOP? Will this camp be used for EGMO selection?
No, this program is operated entirely independently of any of the MAA programs, so attending G2 Math Program has no impact on your chances with making MOP or the EGMO team. However, many of our students have or will go on to have a strong performance in the U.S. contest series.